Go! Go! España

Live & Study in Spain

Go! Go! España launched in 2016 to help people from all over the world live & study in Spain. Their support and consulting services offered is for free to students thanks to their partnerships with best schools and partners all over Spain

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Live & Study in Spain

What we do

Go! Go! España was launched to help people from all over the world fulfill their dreams of living in Spain.

We do this by helping them choose and enrolling in the right school, apply for their student visa, find accommodation, and any other services they need to settle into their lives in Spain.

We partner with all type of schools in Spain; Language schools, universities, college preparatory schools, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools.

We collaborate closely with our partners to understand how we can best meet students individual goals, while giving partners opportunity to tap into our global reach.

We’ve helped people from all around the world – including the United States, Korea, Mexico, and many more – to live and study in Spain.

Go! Go! Espana services


Why Partner with us

Global reach

We offer our support in 3 languages but our global reach is much larger, we’ve helped students from 42 different nationalities and are the number 1 agency for Korean students who want to move to Spain and an international reference for studies in Spain.

Bridge the communication gap

We liaise between our partners and our students in their own languages to ensure seamless communication and understanding, thanks to our multilingual team.

Marketing & creative

We create engaging and creative campaigns to help our partners meet their business goals. Our marketing plans can include video, SNS, newsletters, and more.

Go! Go! España



Customer service

Our multilingual team offer a dedicated service to help you liaise with international students in their own language.


Visa support

Our visa application process support for our students on behalf of our partners has an approval ratio of over 99%.



Health Insurance & immigration matchmaking that guarantees students use services accepted by Spanish immigration

global audience and reach

Global reach

Go! Go! España has helped attract over 860 students from over 40 countries to live & study in Spain since 2016.

Go! Go! España

Meet the Team

Davide Rossi

Go! Go! World CEO

When the CEO of Go! Go! World Davide first moved to Japan in 2008 to study Japanese it was extremely difficult for him to choose the right language school, and accommodation and he believed things should be different. He’s made it the Go! Go! World mission to make it as easy as possible to help students live and study abroad, working only with the best partners to allow them to achieve this dream.

Takeshi Arai

Go! Go! World Sales Manager

With more than 10 years of experience connecting Japanese companies and services with a global audience, Takeshi joined Go! Go! World in 2021 to help connect the best services and partners for our businesses to international students.

Luis Hernández

Go! Go! España Country Manager

After completing his own study abroad experience in Japan, Luis a native of Madrid, was the natural choice to help us expand the Go! Go! World business into the Spanish-speaking market, growing it into the number one agency for students from Korea who want to live & Study in Spain.

Emma McEntee

Go! Go! World Head of Global Marketing

Emma joined Go! Go! World in 2019 to develop and lead the Global Marketing team to drive campaigns across the globe to build awareness of all of the Go! Go! World businesses. Her 18+ years of marketing experience allowed us to succeed in our goals even during the global pandemic and deliver the strongest numbers since the business began in 2009.

case studies

What our partners say about us

We work with more than 100 partners across Spain helping to support them with goals to attract international students. Find out what some of them have to say about what it’s like to work with us.



Director and co-founder, 

It is an absolute pleasure to work with the professional team at Go! Go! World Business. Their passion, efficiency and straightforward approach makes them the ideal partner in a competitive industry as ours.

Chris Haworth - AIL - Partner school

Chris Haworth

AIL Madrid and AIL Málaga 

My collaboration with Go! Go! España dates back to 2016. Over these 7 years, Go! Go! España has provided a steady and increasing stream of students to the AIL schools. Communication has always been fluid, effective and professional.  Go! Go! España are a well-managed and innovative student recruiting partner and I highly value our long-standing relationship.

go! go! ESPAÑA

Our Partners

Google reviews

Go! Go! España

Go Go España me ayudo con mi visa de nómada digital. Los encontré por internet sin tener ninguna clase de recomendación o referencia de ellos, y si bien al principio las charlas... fueron por email lo cual al ser una empresa que no conocía me generaba cierta desconfianza. Tras conocernos en una primera consulta, decidí contratar sus servicios. Mi caso fue llevado por Manuel, el cual conocía el procedimiento en detalle, me asesoró de forma personal sobre las opciones que tenía mi caso, y siempre estuvo disponible tanto para todas las consultas que se me ocurrieron como para revisiones de la documentación que quisiese realizar.El proceso fue impecable, y el trámite con la oficina de extranjería ocurrió tal y como me comentaron.Todo el trámite lo realice desde españa y 4 semanas aproximadamente.read more
Martin M.
Martin M.
Going through the entire process to study in Spain Rafael has been amazing. He has helped & assisted me all throughout answering any concerns & questions since I first enquired. I... 100% recommend going through Go! Go! España if you are thinking and planning to stuffy in Spain.read more
Wayne R.
Wayne R.
I am writing this post to express my utmost gratitude and satisfaction with GoGo España. This referral service played an instrumental role in guiding me through the intricate... process of obtaining a digital nomad visa in Spain. From the moment I engaged with GoGo España, their team demonstrated a remarkable level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. The thoroughness of their guidance ensured that every step of the visa application process was not only comprehensible but also streamlined, making what could have been a daunting task surprisingly manageable.They seamlessly connected me with an excellent immigration attorney who exhibited a profound understanding of the legal nuances involved in obtaining a digital nomad visa. Additionally, their recommendations for health insurance packages and other essential services were invaluable, alleviating much of the stress associated with the relocation process. It is worth noting that GoGo España operates on a commendable model of offering their services free of charge to the user.I felt supported at every stage of my journey, and I credit much of the success of my visa application to their guidance. I wholeheartedly recommend GoGo España to anyone navigating the complexities of obtaining a digital nomad visa or a student visa in Spain. Rafael is only an email away and provides -not only an excellent service- but he'll always have an immediate response to all of your questions. Kudos to the GoGoEspaña Team and to their service providers.read more
Malule G.
Malule G.
It’s a very helpful website, with excellent support!推荐,负责邮箱的老师特别的亲贴而且回复很及时!
I want to express my gratitude for the seamless assistance in securing my admission and visa to study in Spain. Rafael's prompt responses and effective follow-up made the process... exceptionally smooth. Thanks for your outstanding support.read more
alichimaobi A.
alichimaobi A.
Muy profesionales.Muy bien servicio y mucha ayuda.Gracias especialmente a Luis.質問するとすぐに的確な返信を下さりとても助かりました。本当にありがとうございました。
Garcia S.
Garcia S.
카톡으로 문의하면 친절하게 알려주셔서 편했어요!
정말 친절하게 알려주시고 도움많이됐습니다.!!공부열심히해서 스페인마스터가 되겠습니다.많은정보 얻을 수 있어서 정말 감사했습니다.
jeong B.
jeong B.
고고에스파냐 통해서 아일마드리드 어학원에서 공부를 잘 하고 있습니다. 항상 친절하게 상담해 주셔서 믿고 모든 절차를 진행했습니다. 언제나 열심히 답해 주시는 매니저님, 한국 직원분 모두 감사하며 번창하시길 바라겠습니다.
J.S. L.
J.S. L.
Go Go España fue la mejor decisión que pude tomar para realizar mi viaje!! Luis se puso en contacto desde el primer día que envíe un mensaje a su web, brindandome apoyo y... entregandome los contactos necesarios para lograr mi residencia. Actualmente me encuentro viviendo en Madrid gracias a su orientación. Muchas gracias por todo!!read more
Diego P. A.
Diego P. A.
Discovering Go!Go!Espana through TikTok has been a fantastic experience! Best thing I got out of TikTok hahahaI want to express my gratitude to Luis for his exceptional... assistance in facilitating my journey to Spain. He patiently addressed all my inquiries and accommodated my changes to the class schedule three times without any hassle. His kindness and helpfulness made the entire process seamless. Highly recommended!!!¡Muchas gracias, Luis! Eres realmente excepcional, y aprecio tu ayuda. Espero que sigas ayudando a más personas a alcanzar sus sueños en español. ¡Eres el mejor! (Google translated to Spanish but you know I'll get there. thanks to him!)read more
Zhaye S.
Zhaye S.
고고에스파냐 직원분들 너무 친절하게 상담해 주셔서 감사합니다. 덕분에 많은 정보 받고, 도움 많이 받았습니다. 감사합니다!
상담도 너무 친절하게 잘 해주시고 자세히 안내해주셔서 비자 대행 없이 혼자 준비했는데도 수월하게 진행할 수 있었습니다!! 귀찮게 하나하나 다 여쭤봤는데도 빨리 답변해주셔서 너무 좋았어요
Tim W
Tim W
처음 아들의 스페인 유학을 생각했을때 막막했는데 여길 알게되어 너무너무 큰도움이 되었어요. 단계단계 마다 자세히 설명해주시고 다 알아봐서 보내주셔서 너무 좋았습니다. 그것도 무료로요. 정말 감사드립니다.
다른 유학원들하고 비교해보고 선택했는데, 잘 했다는 생각이 듭니다!스페인에 계신 매니저님하고 한국에 계신 직원분 모두 친절하고 빠르게 답변 주셔서 정말 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 항상 먼저 궁금한거 있는지 없는지 물어봐주시고 세세하게 답변주셔서 주변 친구들한테도 꼭 소개할겁니다.너무 감사하며, 번창하세요!
아무런 준비 없이 막연하게 스페인어를 배우고 스페인에 거주하고 싶어 도움을 부탁드렸던게 벌써 거의 2년 전 입니다! 처음 학생비자로 들어올때부터 물음표 살인마인 저로 인해 피곤하셨을텐데…,,ㅎㅎ 정말 정말 친절하게 a-z까지 하나하나 알려주시고 스페인 거주 거의 2년차가 되어가는 지금 현지에서 비자 연장과 대학원... 진학까지도 정말 많은 부분들로 도움을 받고 있습니다 물어보는것마다 한상 친절하게 같이 생각해보며 대안도 추천해주시고 같이 고민해 주셔서 감사합니다 스페인에 오고싶으신 어학연수생 분들 혹은 유학생분들 정말 추천합니다!read more
Juhui B.
Juhui B.
I dealt with Rafael, who is extremely professional and courteous. And he always has a great solution for any issues that could occur.Such a pleasure to have him on your side.
비자 준비하면서 어렵고 힘든 점이 많았는데 고고 에스파냐 측에서 항상 빠르고 정성스럽게 궁금한 점에 대해서 답변해주셔서 수월하게 비자 신청 진행할 수 있었습니다. 감사합니다~!
Luis was an amazing contact to have that helped with all of our questions to figuring out the best school for our needs to ensuring documents and accommodation support were... fulfilled and done safely. Would highly recommend to anyone looking to study abroad!read more
Jaime Isaiah C.
Jaime Isaiah C.
이번 2023년 2학기에 처음으로 스페인에 교환학생을 가는데 학교에서 도와주지 않아 걱정이 많았지만, 고고에스파냐를 통해 궁금한 점을 바로 해결하고 도움을 받을 수 있어서 좋았습니다.심지어 현지에 도착해서도 지속적으로 도움을 받을 수 있어 안심이 됩니다! 친구들에게도 이후에 고고에스파냐를 추천해줄 의향이 있습니다!!
스페인 어학연수 관련 진행을 친절하게 잘 도와주셨어요. 사정상 뒤늦게 취소하게 되었지만 환불정책에 따라 신속한 처리도 해주셨습니다. 나중에 시기가 맞아 스페인 어학연수를 가게될 기회가 생긴다면 다시 고고에스파냐와 함께하고 싶네요. 감사합니다!
Dayoung Y.
Dayoung Y.
I will be going to Granada in 2 days. In march I decided to look for organisations that I could travel to Spain with that would also include a study program. I googled around a... bit and didn't find anything good so I decided to go on TikTok to look for reviews or people sharing their experience with different organisations and that's when I found Go Go España. I was immediately shocked by their afforadble prices and how nice all the school and areas looked. I didn't hesitate and contacted their service email and got an answer within 24h. I had a few questions about Granada as a city and how the schools programs worked and things like that. I got a response from the organisation where they answered every single one of my questions and when new questions or concerns arose, I contacted the email and again got a response within 24h even though it says on their site it might take up to three days. I'm very happy with my choice and the help I've gotten with my accommodation, selection of school and such. I'm really looking forward to going to Spain for the first time on my own, I'm a bit nervous but I fully trust the organisation and I'm sure I won't be disappointed. Thank you so much Go Go España I'm super thankful for your great service!I highly recommend them, and if you have any concerns or questions contact them! 🙂read more
elodie B.
elodie B.
스페인 어학원 등록하는데 너무 친절하고 사소한것 하나까지 세심하게 답변해주셔서 너무 고마웠음..내일 출발하는데 잘 다녀올수 있기를!
Luis was very helpful and made my move to Spain very easy and stress free
Claire M.
Claire M.
Gogo espania were a great help in my trip to San Sebastián. I had a smooth process and Luis was always quick to answer my questions over email. I recommend using gogó if you want... to study in Spain.read more
Tamia L.
Tamia L.
비자를 준비하는 과정에서 너무나 많은 도움을 받았습니다..1부터 10까지 정확하고 친절하게 알려주신 덕분에, 막막했던 준비 단계가 수월했습니다.다시 한번 감사드립니다.
Prima di prendere la decisione di partire avevo mille dubbi e domande riguardo scuola, alloggio e documenti che avrei dovuto portare, ma Luis è stato gentilissimo e con una... pazienza infinita ha risposto ad ogni mia domanda spiegandomi in modo molto semplice ma dettagliato quali step avrei dovuto fare per iniziare questo percorso.Purtroppo non hanno ancora la possibilità di dare supporto in italiano, ma se ve la cavate un po' con l'inglese non c'è problema.Grazie ancora a Go!Go!España e a Luis!read more
Ilenia S.
Ilenia S.
어학연수 준비가 처음이라 정말 제로부터 시작했는데요! 고고에스파냐와 함께 준비하면서 많은 도움을 받았습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 궁금한 게 생기면 언제나 카톡상담으로 친절히 답변해주셔서 출국까지 무사히 할 수 있었네요. 스페인에 도착한 이후에도 문의를 남기면 언제든지 답변해주시는 걸로 알고 있어서 아마 도착해서도 큰 도움 받을 것... 같습니다! 혹시 유학원 고민하고 계신분이 있으시다면 고고에스파냐 긍정적으로 고려해보시면 좋을 것 같아요!♡read more
유학준비 너무 막막했는데 매니저님이랑 직원분들께서 친절하게 상담해주셔서 안심되고 진행할 수 있었어요!불안한 마음에 이것저것 물어볼게 많았는데 넘 귀찮게 해드린게 아닌가 싶네요ㅠㅠ 진짜 감사합니당!!과 특성상 유학을 많이 가서 제 동기 몇명한테도 추천 할 예정입니다!고고 에스파냐 강추드려욥!!
‍송지은[학생](음악대학 성.
‍송지은[학생](음악대학 성.
꼼꼼히 챙겨주신 덕분에 좋은 학원에서 재밌게 배우고 있습니다. 제 첫 어학원 등록이었는데 다 해주셔서 어려운점도 없었고 매우 만족합니다.
갑작스럽게 결정된 어학연수라 궁금한 것도 많고 걱정되는 것도 많고 중간에 변동사항도 많았는데 하나하나 꼼꼼히 세심하게 챙겨주시고 알려주시고 처리해주셔서 정말 감사했습니다ㅜㅠ ♡^^♡ 스페인 가실 계획 있는 분들께 적극 추천드립니닿ㅎ
스페인어학연수 계획중 알게 된Go!Go!España덕분에 마음 편히 잘 준비한 것 같습니다.친절하시고 신속한 답변과절차 진행도 무료로 해 주셔서 오히려죄송할 정도입니다.영어도 못 하고 스페인어는 완전초보라전반적인 불안감이 있었는데현지지사와 연계해서 지속적인 관리도해 주신다니 든든합니다.다른 유학원에... 비해서 학비도 합리적인곳을 추천해 주셔서 너무 만족합니다.^^read more
jy Lee (.
jy Lee (.
Luis is very helpful. I have been enquiring through email and I always get prompt and detailed response to my questions.
One C.
One C.
어학원 선정부터 비자준비의 모든 부분에서 세세한 도움을 주시고, 급하게 질문 사항이 있어 갑자기 연락드려도 정말 친절하게 답변해주셨습니다! 어학원 등록금은 해당 어학원에 다이렉트로 송금하는 방식이라 투명했고, 나머지 부분들은 모두 무료였습니다! 돈을 지불하지 않음에도 정말 값비싼 서비스를 받은 것 같은 느낌을... 받았습니다!!read more
너무 친절한 상담 및 응대~~
Cheolho Y.
Cheolho Y.
A great free service! They do an excellent job and provide essential help and information - always fast, knowledgable and friendly!
If you’re thinking about studying in Spain… I really recommend getting in touch with this team. Im British and I went to Spain for 7 months and Luis helped me every step of the... way. After Brexit things were a little confusing and he was incredibly friendly and helpful, he really turned my dream into a reality and I’m so grateful for him and for Go!Go! España. Luis and the team made the whole procedure so much easier and stress free. I can’t thank him enough for the incredible experience I had and I encourage anyone who wants to move to Spain to contact Go!Go! España. Thank you Luis!!read more
Amazing organization, Go Go Espana is your one-stop shop when it comes to studying in Spain. Their service is free. You can fire up all your questions and they won't charge you a... dime. For that, I would like to extend my long overdue gratitude to Luis for helping and answering all my questions (even the nonsense ones) from the very first day I was in contact with him. Muchas gracias, Luis! <3read more
Marilyn E.
Marilyn E.
수수료가 무료라고 해서 선택했지만, 한편 무료이다 보니 제대로 진행이 될까 걱정이 되기도 했습니다^^;; 그런데 유료서비스 제공하는 다른 업체보다 더 친절하게 응대해 주셨고, 학원 등록 뿐만 아니라 비자발급, (학원을 통한)숙소 예약도 너무 잘 도와주셔서 처음 정착을 무사히 할 수 있었어요!! 도움주신 매니저분이... 바르셀로나 계신다고 하는데 뵙고 식사라도 대접하고 싶은 마음입니다.💙 너무 감사했습니다!!👏👍🙏🏻read more
Sunhyung M.
Sunhyung M.
Luis was super helpful in getting us connected to an attorney in Spain to help my daughter secure her visa for study in Madrid. Thank you!
Kim S.
Kim S.
스페인 어학연수 및 유학준비 할때 필요한 정보나 자료를 너무 잘 알려줌과 동시에 무료로 모든걸 진행해서 스페인 유학이 처음이신분들에게 너무 적합한 유학원인 것 같습니다 ㅎㅎ
They were very helpful for finding us a school and answering our numerous questions.
Larry P.
Larry P.
학원이랑 연락하는 과정을 제가 직접 하지 않아도 돼서 좋았어요. 비자 설명도 잘 해주셔서 궁금한 것도 바로바로 물어볼 수 있고 든든했습니다!
Chaerin P.
Chaerin P.
Mi experiencia con Go! Go! Espana a sido sumamente satisfactorio en cuanto a proceso y solicitud de visado de estudiante para vivir y estudiar en el pais. Mi aplicación a sido... desde Australia para ir a Espana e inclusive en relación a la distancia todo ha sido muy efectivo, sólido y rápido a la hora de informar y guiarme, teniendo el respaldo de un agente de la misma agencia y un abogado al mismo tiempo los cuales aclararon todas mis dudas en todo momento. 100% recomendado.read more
Matias C.
Matias C.

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