Go! Go! Nihon


2009년 부터 Go! Go! Nihon은 일본과 세계를 연결하는 교각 역활을 하였습니다. 일본에 있는 협력사와 세계 다른 나라들을 연결하며 외국인들이 일본에서 성공적으로 살며 공부 하고 일을 할수 있도록 필수적인 서비스을 제공하였습니다.

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학생 지원
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월간 웹사이트 방문
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뉴스레터 구독
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What we do

Go! Go! Nihon은 전 세계 사람들이 일본에서 사는 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 도왔습니다. 우리는 그들이 올바른 어학원을 선택하고 학생 비자를 신청하며 숙소를 소개시켜 주는 등 일본에서 문제없이 정착할 수 있도록 도왔습니다. 또한 다수의 파트너와 긴밀하게 협력하여 파트너들이 목표를 가장 잘 달성하는 방법을 이해하고 다양한 국적의 새로운 고객들을 만들 수 있도록 지원하였습니다. 지금까지 미국, 영국, 스웨덴, 이탈리아, 스페인, 프랑스 등을 포함한 전 세계에서 온 13,000명 이상의 사람들이 일본에 거주하며 공부할 수 있도록 도왔습니다.

Go! Go! Nihon triptych


Why partner with us?

Partner with Go! Go! Nihon

A global audience

우리는 서양 학생들을 전문적으로 돕고 있습니다. 현재 7개의 다양한 언어를 통해 80개국 이상의 국가에 고객을 갖고 있습니다.

Bridge the communication gap

다국어 팀의 다양한 언어 서비스를 바탕으로 우리는 파트너와 학생 간 원활한 의사소통을 할 수 있도록 최대한 지원히고 있습니다.

In-house creative team

협력사들의 비즈니스 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 우리는 다양한 매체를 통해 매력적이고 창의적인 컨텐츠를 개발, 제공하고 있습니다.

Custom marketing packages

당사의 마케팅 계획은 조직의 필요와 예산에 맞게 조정될 수 있습니다. 최상의 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 긴밀히 협력하고 있습니다.

Go! Go! Nihon



Customer service

다국어 팀은 당신이 그들의 언어로 국제 학생들과 연락할 수 있도록 도와주는 전용 서비스를 제공합니다.


Student communities

Go! Go! Nihon의 방대한 학생 커뮤니티를 통해 국제 시장의 최신 트렌드에 맞는 맞춤형 제안을 제공합니다.


Translation support

우리는 10개 언어로 교정 및 번역 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리는 크고 작은 프로젝트를 도울 수 있습니다.

global audience and reach

Global audience

Go! Go! Nihon은 2009년부터 80개 이상의 국가에서 13,000명 이상의 학생들이 일본에서 살며 공부하도록 도왔습니다.

Go! Go! Nihon

Meet the Team

Davide Rossi

Go! Go! World의 대표 Davide는 일본어를 공부하기 위해 2008년에 처음으로 일본으로 왔습니다. 그는 그에게 맞는 어학원을 선택하는 것과 숙소를 구하는 것이 어려웠습니다. 그래서 그는 이러한 것들이 달라져야 한다고 생각했습니다. Go! Go! World의 임무는 학생들이 해외에서 살고 공부하는 것을 가능한 쉽게 돕는 것이며, 최고의 파트너들과 협력하여 그들이 이 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 하는 것입니다

Federico Bianchi

Fede는 2010년에 Go!Go!Nihon을 이용하여 처음으로 일본으로 왔습니다. 그는 이제 모든 Go!Go! Nihon 사업부를 가능한 한 많은 사람들이 일본에서 살고 공부하는 것을 목표로 23개국에서 49명의 직원으로 구성된 팀을 이끌고 있습니다.

Takeshi Arai

Takeshi는 2022년 Go!Go!World에 최고의 서비스와 파트너를 유학생들과 연결하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 합류했습니다. 그는 20년 이상 일본 기업과 서비스를 전 세계 고객과 연결하고 그 반대의 경험도 가지고 있습니다.

Emma McEntee

Emma는 2019년 Go! Go! World 글로벌 마케팅 팀에 합류하여 회사에 대한 인지도를 높이기 위해 전 세계에 캠페인을 주도하고 이끌었습니다. 그녀의 18년 이상의 마케팅 경험을 통해 우리는 코로나기간에도 목표를 달성하고 2009년 사업을 시작한 이래 가장 강력한 성과를 달성할 수 있었습니다.


What our partners say about us

우리는 일본 전역의 30개 이상의 파트너와 협력하여 유학생을 지원하고 있습니다. Go! Go! World 에 대한 피드백을 들어보세요.

Akamonkai Language School

Akamonkai Language School

저희는 국제 학생들을 위한 일본어 교육 서비스를 제공합니다. Go! Go! Nihon과 파트너십을 맺은 이후로, 서양 국가 출신 학생들의 비율을 크게 늘리고 전 세계 각국에서 다양한 국적의 안정적이고 균형 잡힌 학생들을 수용할 수 있었습니다.

Intercultural Japanese Language school

협력 학교, 
Intercultural Japanese Language school

저희는 2011년부터 Go! Go! Nihon과 협력하고 있습니다 그리고 Go! Go! Nihon과의 협력 이후로 서양 국가 출신 학생 수가 크게 증가했으며, 아시아 출신 및 비아시아 출신 학생의 비율은 현재 50대 50이 되었습니다. Go! Go! Nihon 덕분에 저희 학교는 “다민족적인” 이미지를 굳건하게 확립하게 되었습니다.


Our Network


Go! Go! Nihon google reviews

Outstanding customer service!I used their services back in 2019 to come to Japan to study, and they helped me so much with every single step. We kept in contact even after I... started my studies, and they were always open to help me with any problems I had along the journey.Now, almost 5 years later, I'm currently steadily living and working in Japan. I decided to reach out again since I had a new inquiry... And without making me wait at all they answered my questions and helped me solve my problems once again!They are just way too nice :)I'm forever grateful!read more
X D.
X D.
Que dire… Et surtout quoi dire de négatif ??Je ne suis vraiment pas déçu d'être passé par Go! Go! Nihon pour venir étudier sur Kyoto. Après un voyage, une grande réflexion sur... mon parcours de vie et surtout après les avoir harcelé de questions pendant des mois durant. Je peux affirmer avoir eu des personnes en OR par messages.Se lancer dans l'inconnu peut, parfois, faire peur et grâce à la gentillesse et bienveillance des équipes de Go! Go! Nihon, je n'ai eu aucun moment de doute ou regret.Aujourd'hui j'entame ma deuxième semaine d'étude en japonais dans une très bonne école avec un logement plus que correct, une assurance/pension japonaise, un forfait téléphone ainsi qu'un compte en banque japonais. Et ça, je leur dois à eux, à leurs blogs, FAQ et partenaires (tels que les agences de logements). Beaucoup de choses que je n'aurais pu réaliser seul, sans leurs précieux conseils.Bref tout ça pour vous dire merci !Merci d'avoir réalisé ce rêve d'il y a 1 an. Où tout me semblait compliqué, tout est devenu plus simple.J'ai encore tellement de choses à dire, mais je vais conclure par un : "je recommande à tout ceux qui souhaite s'expatrier pour étudier cette langue magnifique, visiter et faire de belles rencontres."Enfin, je trouve juste dommage le fait qu'il n'y ait pas eu de point de rendez-vous avec l'équipe dès mon arrivée. J'aurais tellement aimé vous dire merci en face à face et remercier principalement Armelle et Pauline pour leur implication dans ce projet de vie. Je vous en suis très profondément reconnaissant.Maël. 🙂read more
Maël D.
Maël D.
Sto scrivendo questa recensione dalla mia stanza in una bellissima sharehouse nella meravigliosa Kobe, a poche fermate del treno dalla scuola di lingua giapponese che frequento.... Per essere concisa, lascio cinque stelle a Go!Go!Nihon perché senza l'assistenza e la guida (colgo l'occasione di ringraziare in particolare Mara) offertami in tutte le fasi della preparazione del viaggio, tutto ciò non sarebbe potuto succedere. Grazie mille!read more
alexandra B.
alexandra B.
Agradezco enormemente la ayuda y el soporte que te da GoGo!Nihon (En especial a Alberto, el agente que me llevo). Todo fácil, muy intuitivo y servicio gratuito. Muchas gracias.
Fernando S.
Fernando S.
Siete stati magnifici, organizzazione impeccabile, tanta disponibilà e incredibile pazienza. L'agenzia migliore su cui contare per studiare in giappone. Veronica è stata la mia... guida, la ringrazio infinitamente, è stata cordialissima.read more
Luca De R.
Luca De R.
Graças a Go! Go! Nihon hoje estou estudando no Japão! A coordenadora Nina foi muito atenciosa e me instruiu desde a matrícula até a chegada ao Japão. A equipe atende em vários... idiomas e Nina me atendeu em português, o que facilitou bastante a comunicação. Obrigado a toda equipe! Trabalho brilhante!read more
Gabriel F.
Gabriel F.
Ci tenevo a ringraziare tutto lo staff per avermi seguita passo per passo fin dal primo giorno. Un grazie speciale a Mara che mi ha sempre risposto ad ogni domanda e... preoccupazione che potessi avere.Vi consiglio senza dubbio di rivolgervi a loro se avete in mente un’esperienza all’estero come questa che sto facendo io!!read more
Really happy with the support Go! Go! Nihon provided me to start studying in Japan. If you feel that you are overwhelmed with all the information and do not exactly know how or... what steps you should take to start studying in Japan, I definitely recommend them. They will help you through the whole difficult process and give you helpful tips about living and studying in Japan.read more
Servizio impeccabile! Lo staff di GoGo Nihon segue passo per passo ogni passaggio, notifica prontamente ogni aggiornamento ed è sempre disponibile a domande e chiarimenti. Ho... iniziato il processo di iscrizione ad agosto, ed oggi sono finalmente in Giappone, le mie aspettative sono state rispettate! Per chi vuole andare a studiare in Giappone, consiglio vivamente di fare affidamento su di loro.read more
Silvia C.
Silvia C.
Wow! This company is fantastic. They do exactly what they say... make it as easy as possible to get all the paperwork ready and apply to a Japanese language school for... foreigners. No hidden fees or unexpected costs. I would recommend GoGo Nihon to any of my friends and even you!Thanks Kristina! (Sapporo Language Academy, April 2024)read more
Casey S
Casey S
If you are planning on studying in Japan, GoGo Nihon is an amazing resource! They help you every step of the way with finding language schools, applications and obtaining visas.... Even if your plans change slightly during the process, like mine did due to personal circumstances, they are super understanding and accommodating. I would highly recommend GoGo Nihon to anyone, and the best part is their service is free!read more
Michelle L.
Michelle L.
Very helpful with the whole process of finding a college and accommodation. Explaining all the steps needed to get to Japan as a student.
Matthew P.
Matthew P.
Excelente serviço! Eu que sempre viajei por conta própria, ao decidir estudar no Japāo a primeira vista parecia ser um processo extremamente complicado e assustador, foi entāo... que devido a recomendaçōes cheguei até a GoGo Nihon. A coordenadora Nina só faltou me pegar pela māozinha e me levar para o Japāo 🤣. Passou quase que 6 me auxiliando a todo momento, o processo que parecia impossível a primeira vista passou a ser algo relativamente simples, com a ajuda da Nina e da equipe GoGo Nihon. Só tenho a agradecer por terem me ajudado a realizar meu sonho de trabalhar e estudar no Japāo 👏👏.Atenciosamente,Daniel Becker.read more
Daniel B.
Daniel B.
The staff is super helpful and friendly.I don't think i would have made it without them. Very grateful!!
Martina I.
Martina I.
Personale sempre disponibile e cordiale. Risponde a tutte le domande in maniera esaustiva e precisa e ti guida dall'inizio alla fine nell'arduo procedimento di entrata in... Giappone.read more
Nikolas A.
Nikolas A.
Molto soddisfatta del servizio che offrono! Senza l'aiuto di Veronica sarebbe stato difficile fare i preparativi da sola. Utilissimo anche il blog dove si spiegano alcune... procedure pratiche come ad esempio l'assicurazione sanitaria e l'utilizzo del QR code per la dogana.read more
Noemi P.
Noemi P.
Tudo foi perfeito.Só consegui chegar ao Japão essa semana graças a GoGo Nihon e a Nina.Em cada etapa do processo ela me ajudou (e teve bastante paciência com as milhares de... perguntas que eu fazia). Pesquisei vários intercâmbios antes e sem dúvida eles são os melhores.read more
Carol C.
Carol C.
Sans go go nihon j’aurais jamais pu réaliser le rêve de partir au Japon, leurs aides étaient vraiment incroyable et je recommande à tous ceux étant hésitant et voulant le faire... d’y aller sans hésiterread more
Picca L.
Picca L.
I initially made the mistake of trying to apply to a school on my own. I was faced with confusion and lack of meaningful assistance, brushed off and told they didn't have the time... for it.Contacting Go!Go!Nihon was the best decision I made, and my only regret is not going through them sooner. Every single question I had was answered in great detail, including ones I didn't know I wanted to ask. The patience and dedication to making everything as unambiguous as possible is very reassuring in such an otherwise complicated and bureaucratic process. All it takes is following extremely simple directions, and they take care of the rest for you. There is a human element that can support you in ways a search engine simply cannot help, on an individual personal basis.Being a completely free service that saves you so much time and effort while ensuring your dreams are achieved, there really is no reason not to contact them, even if you're still unsure and just want consultation. There are no commitments and no fees to worry about, so you can even start a chat just to get a feel for it and see if you'd be interested.Highly recommended service.read more
S D.
S D.
Andare in Giappone a studiare è veramente complicato, ma con Go! Go! Nihon è bastato seguire le loro indicazioni per rendere tutto molto più semplice. Sempre gentili e... disponibili, li raccomando a chiunque volesse fare un'esperienza di studio in Giapponeread more
antonio V.
antonio V.
Aunque a veces tarden un par de días en responder, resuelven las dudas que puedan surgir y ayudan con todos los trámites necesarios.Gracias a ellos ya tengo todo listo para... poder empezar a estudiar en Japón dentro de una semana y vivir una nueva experiencia.read more
Kevin López (.
Kevin López (.
Outstanding Service! I would definitely recommend going through GoGoNihon if you are wanting to study abroad in Japan. They were quick to reply if there was anything that I needed... throughout my application process. They were very friendly and everything was very organized!I recently received my Visa and will be attending a language school in Japan this upcoming month. Could not be more excited! And GoGoNihon helped greatly in the process of getting there!They helped me out with setting up my Visa application, as well as my housing with other agencies. And helped answer any questions that I had!Overall, I am very happy with the service provided to me!Would recommend! 5 out 5 stars!read more
Jeremiah J.
Jeremiah J.
This service would be incredible even if they charged money, it's unbelievable for free. It was incredibly daunting to think about studying abroad as an adult but they walked me... through everything patiently and kindly. Very much recommended.read more
Niko W.
Niko W.
Very helpful whenever I ran into issues, and Go! Go! Nihon was able to get me into the exact school I wanted to attend.
Nate P.
Nate P.
The go-to agency if you wish to study language in Japan. Every staff member is incredibly helpful and they assisted me with all the complicated paperworks and other processes.... Can't recommend Go! Go! Nihon enough!read more
Tim Y
Tim Y
Agradezco demasiado la ayuda que me brindaron para poder estudiar en Japón. El servicio y la atención es amena y agradable, además de que consigue hacer mucho más sencilla la... preparación y el envío de documentos. Lo recomiendo al 100%read more
Joaquín L.
Joaquín L.
La mia esperienza con Go! Go! Nihon è stata positiva fin dall'inizio, lo staff è super reattivo e sempre pronto a chiarire ogni dubbio :)Sono stata seguita da Veronica e non... potrò mai ringraziarla abbastanza per il suo incredibile supporto; mi ha guidata con estrema precisione e gentilezza in ogni step del mio percorso ed è stata sempre tempestiva nel rispondere ad ogni mia domanda.Studiare all'estero è un'esperienza eccitante, ma è indubbiamente un percorso nel quale si incontrano diverse difficoltà e il supporto offerto da Go! Go! Nihon mi ha permesso di affrontarne diverse con estrema serenità (la burocrazia giapponese, la procedura di iscrizione ad una scuola di lingua, l'ottenimento del visto studentesco e la prenotazione dell'alloggio). L'azienda si impegna inoltre a creare una vera e propria rete tra gli studenti che arrivano in Giappone promuovendo diverse occasioni di scambio che permettono di fare amicizia e conoscere persone nuove!Non posso dunque che consigliare di rivolgersi a Go! Go! Nihon se si intende intraprendere un percorso di studio in Giappone!read more
Clarissa T.
Clarissa T.
Can definitely recommend Go! Go! Nihon if you were ever thinking of going to Japan to learn the language. They take you through all the different processes of getting in contact... with a school. They are working together with a bunch of schools so it's very easy to find something you like.They also help you with a lot of the other things that are involved in moving to Japan, like the processes for getting your visa and working together with housing companies to get a place to stay.It's also a nice way to get to know new people with common interests, as you get to meet people who have also used their website.All in all well worth it, definitely made the process a lot smoother than if I had to do it myself.read more
Andreas L.
Andreas L.
Go Go Nihon exceeded my expectations in every aspect of my journey to studying in Japan, and Layna played an integral role in making it happen. From guiding me through the... selection process of the perfect Japanese language school to ensuring a smooth application, Layna's expertise and dedication were invaluable. She patiently addressed all my inquiries, leaving no stone unturned. My experience with Layna and Go Go Nihon has been nothing short of exceptional, and I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking assistance in pursuing education in Japan. Thank you so much!read more
Zachary P.
Zachary P.
The staff at Go Go Nihon are incredible! I have used their services twice now and both times have been without any issue. All the necessary documents are organised and sent to you... in a timely manner and any questions are answered within a couple days.A huge plus for go go nihon is their list of schools and sharehouses. Trying to research independently and finding the right school/accomodation can be very stressful but go go nihon provides all the information (for free) in a very accessible manner, on their website.All in all I’m very happy I decided to use their services. Special thank you to Layna who worked very diligently and made the application process a joyful experience.read more
Fintan M.
Fintan M.
Go!Go!Nihon have been incredibly helpful from my first contact with them all the way through the process. They are always very friendly and eager to answer any questions I had, a... lot of the time supplying additional supportive information in the process. Their service made what I imagine could be a difficult process, into a swift a worry free one. Thank you!read more
The assistance that I received during the application process was excellent. The information about my application was always timely and the person that I worked with was always... courteous. I have no complaints. I would absolutely use GoGo Nihon again. A+read more
Luke H.
Luke H.
Go!Go! Nihon is a fantastic service to anyone looking to study in Japan. I highly recommend their services, they were incredibly helpful with answering my questions and making... sure I had all the right documents and information for Visa applications into Japan. If you are hoping to pursue a language course in but do not know where to start, definitely check out Go! Go! Nihon.read more
Kyle G.
Kyle G.
I'm so glad that I went through Go! Go! Nihon when applying to a language school in Japan! My coordinator Layna was so helpful and kind! They made the process of applying and... getting ready to move so much smoother!read more
Riley P.
Riley P.
My experience with Go! Go! Nihon has been great so far. Their staff are very friendly and helpful. They are very knowledgable on the application process and they are more than... happy for you to reach out and ask any questions you may have while working through the long application process.I will be arriving in Japan in April 2024 and Go! Go! Nihon has been a major asset in helping me navigate the process and work out many of the unknowns involved with this big move.If you are considering moving to Japan, are interested in studying Japanese, and are wondering where to start. I encourage you to reach out to Go! Go! Nihon with any questions you may have and they can help you find the right School and Accomodation and help you with the application process if you decide to go through with it.There is also a wonderful community of students that have applied through Go! Go! Nihon which you can talk to and participate in events so you have many opportunities to make friends.If you are serious about giving it a go, I highly recommend Go! Go! Nihon.read more
Dean W.
Dean W.
Go! Go! Nihon is a great way to get to Japan to learn Japanese. The whole process took a little bit of time but the staff are there to help every step of the way. From answering... questions to getting me setup with my chosen school, I never had any issues. I recommend utilizing their services and knowledge if you're looking to do the same. Thank you!read more
Brian S.
Brian S.
The scope of service is impressive: from schools to living arrangements to travel help. They are very professional and helpful, always getting back to you in a timely manner. It... is great to talk to an actual person for help and feedback. Highly recommended.read more
Chris M.
Chris M.
The staff at Go! Go! Nihon help you navigate the tricky application process with ease. They always have your best interests in mind, and will be your best advocate. Attention to... detail, friendly service, all performed without charging you a fee. What more could you ask for?read more
Jon O.
Jon O.
I wouldn't consider any other way to choose a school or apply for a student visa.I worked with Rocio (whom I am extremely grateful to), which made the process of applying for the... schools and Certificate of Eligibility quite effortless. It was hugely reassuring to know that any queries or doubts I had would be answered quickly and answered well. It made a daunting process feel genuinely painless. The process of choosing a school went smoothly with great recommendations, and resulted with a small school in an area I know well with great reviews. It has been a genuine pleasure and, frankly a relief, to have worked with Rocio and GoGoNihon.I have absolutely no complaints, criticisms, nor recommendations for improvement as each step of the way is fully explained, well documented, and easy to follow.If you're hesitant, you needn't be with GoGoNihon helping you. Thank you.read more
Georgina R.
Georgina R.
Je suis très satisfaite de mon expérience chez Go! Go! Nihon 😊 ma coordinatrice Pauline qui fait le suivi de mon dossier est toujours réactive à mes messages et a su me... proposer une école qui me plaît et me correspond! Si vous avez pour rêve d'étudier le japonais, je vous recommande de passer par là, ça vous facilitera l'expatriation 🩷read more
Nora A.
Nora A.
L'équipe est d'une très grande aide. J'ai eut Pauline qui s'est occupée de moi. C'est très pratique d'avoir un contact français entre nous et l'école. Hâte pour la suite.
Shahinez B.
Shahinez B.

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